Join us for our Winter Box Party and Luncheon.
Please help us prepare gift bags for homeless individuals at 11 a.m. Sunday, December 18. We are collecting NEW hats, gloves, scarves, underwear, toiletries, and more to make individual gift bags. You can leave items in the collection box in the lobby before December 18. Or, donate via PayPal. We have boxes of hats, gloves, scarves, underwear, toiletries, and more to make individual gift bags. We’ll pack them for transport to two shelters for the homeless. Stay for a potluck luncheon!
Meet other secular folks and the local Ethical Community in a relaxed environment. Individuals and families are welcome.
- Brunch food provided
- Indoor/Outdoor Supervised Play Areas for kids
- Open House Tours
Plus, hear about more programming and activities for both kids and adults.