I am familiar with Ethical Culture on a superficial manner. 68 yr old retired Early Childhood/Literacy Masters both 27 yrs NYC Public Schools. I am some unpredictable days, physically challenged & successfully at end of shoulder joint recovery. My friends have dwindled to frequent phone calls & texting plus a once a month shared activity …since I moved from the Bronx, traveling limited & they lovingly caught up in consulting work, some local volunteering & full grandchild involved responsibilities by choice
I long for all the years of lost social interaction through teaching & former President of the former Bronx Reading Council/NYS Reading Association. Athletics no longer possible. I have been volunteering for SOMETHING since I was a 15 yr. old “Candy Striper” at now defunct Fordham Hospital. I want to be a Contributer & a Life-Long Learner. Is this a place for me to achieve contributing, social interaction & being part of an all inclusive group of all ages, including my senior age? Thank you very much. Peace❤️
Hi Alice,
Come to one of our Sunday Platforms and find out more about our group. If you come the first Sunday of the month there will be a meeting after Platform with our leader, Bart Worden, who will tell you about the Society and what it has to offer.
I am familiar with Ethical Culture on a superficial manner. 68 yr old retired Early Childhood/Literacy Masters both 27 yrs NYC Public Schools. I am some unpredictable days, physically challenged & successfully at end of shoulder joint recovery. My friends have dwindled to frequent phone calls & texting plus a once a month shared activity …since I moved from the Bronx, traveling limited & they lovingly caught up in consulting work, some local volunteering & full grandchild involved responsibilities by choice
I long for all the years of lost social interaction through teaching & former President of the former Bronx Reading Council/NYS Reading Association. Athletics no longer possible. I have been volunteering for SOMETHING since I was a 15 yr. old “Candy Striper” at now defunct Fordham Hospital. I want to be a Contributer & a Life-Long Learner. Is this a place for me to achieve contributing, social interaction & being part of an all inclusive group of all ages, including my senior age? Thank you very much. Peace❤️
Hi Alice,
Come to one of our Sunday Platforms and find out more about our group. If you come the first Sunday of the month there will be a meeting after Platform with our leader, Bart Worden, who will tell you about the Society and what it has to offer.