
6 Items

Canned Food Drive

by Louise

Last Sunday at our Living Ethics Roundtable we discussed the tragedy of hunger throughout  the world, in our country, and especially in Westchester. This week we can participate in a special event sponsored by our friends at the United Way to address the problem in our own backyard: National Canned Food Month. The drive will take place […]

Reparations Forum

by Louise

  NAACP White Plains-Greenburgh Branch will host an HR-40 Reparations and Remedies Community Act Discussion on Tuesday 9/19/23 at the Greenburgh Public Library.  NAACP White Plains-Greenburgh Branch is proud to announce its upcoming event to foster community dialogue on the HR-40 Reparations and Remedies Community Act. The event will take place on Tuesday, September 19, […]

Bart’s Blog 8/10/20

by Louise

What do the words “white supremacist” evoke in you? It’s hard for me to see those words and not think of hate spewing, Ku Klux Klan hooded, Swastika wearing, angry white men gathered around a burning cross. My response is a visceral one—I immediately feel tense with a mix of fear and anger. More than […]

Bart’s Blog – 7/6/2020

by Louise

I got a good bit of positive feedback on my last entry on “othering.” I’d written: Othering is, I believe, a necessary precursor to oppression. “Othering” involves what the sociologist Yiannis Gabriel has described as “casting a group, an individual or an object into the role of the ‘other’ and establishing one’s own identity through […]

CANCELLATION: All ECSW March Gatherings

by Louise

Dear Members and Friends, Due to concerns about the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester Board moved to cancel all gatherings at the Ethical Society until at least the end of March. The Society has opened a Zoom account and will be meeting via that platform for at least the […]

Join Us on Meetup

by Louise

You’re invited to join the 480+ members on our Meetup page. Meetup is a free-to-use website that helps connect people who have something in common. Our Meetup events are real-life gatherings where members and organizers get together to connect, discuss, and practice activities related to their shared interests. Our humanist community meets weekly, and also […]