Posts from May 2020

4 Items

Bart’s Blog – 5/25/2020

by Louise

After 4 or 5 hours of struggle I abandoned my Memorial Day blog post. In the end the topic was too big and the space too small for my capacities. I was going for a unifying statement, one that tapped into the grieving over painful losses and the yearning for positive connection. But the words […]

Bart’s Blog – 5/18/2020

by Louise

Sunday’s Zoom crash got me thinking quite a lot about vulnerability and frustration. I always look forward to Sunday platform meetings and was especially looking forward to yesterday’s meeting with the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester, my home Society, because, being Founders’ Day, there was an opportunity to wear both clergy leader and executive director […]

Bart’s Blog – 5/11/2020

by Louise

Thank you to all who have contributed to the American Ethical Union’s #GivingTuesdayNow campaign! We raised almost $4600 and will be sending checks out to the Coronavirus Care Fund, No Kid Hungry, and the National Revolving Bail Fund. Given the level of economic upheaval we are facing, I do encourage looking into ways to support […]

Bart’s Blog – 5/4/2020

by Louise

One of the pleasures of being the executive director for the American Ethical Union is that I can visit the member Societies on a pretty regular basis. And ironically, during the coronavirus outbreak, I’ve actually had more visits to more Societies then I typically get to have. It’s been interesting to me to see how […]