Spring is the season of rebirth. We can’t imagine a better time to reintroduce the Westchester Community for Ethical Culture to you, our members, and to the larger Westchester community.
The Membership Committee has been working very hard and we are excited to announce to everyone our plans for supercharging our Community with a new name, mission statement and, most critically, a new strategy involving more interesting, better publicized and more widely appealing events to bring people through our doors and increase our membership.
With the isolation and difficulties of the last few years, we believe it is more important than ever that communities like the Westchester Community for Ethical Culture exist to bring people together, encourage and guide people to take ethical action, and ultimately create a more ethical society and world.
We on the Membership Committee want to emphasize that our mission and our beliefs are important and RADICAL. Belief in the fundamental worth and dignity of all persons is NOT a universal trait. We are engaged in an existential struggle against people who do not share these beliefs, both worldwide and in our own country, and who would like to erode and destroy these classically liberal ideals.
If we truly believe what we say we believe, we have to ACT. If there is anything that the past few years has taught us, it is that it is very easy to become complacent when it comes to defending a fundamentally positive and ethical outlook on humanity.
But in doing so, we on the Membership Committee, believe that we CAN’T sit in our existing bubble and hope people stumble through our doors. We have to create reasons for people to come and truly live up to our new name by fostering a growing local community, full of people of diverse ages, ethnic backgrounds, languages, interests and politics. We also have to go out in the community and not be afraid to tell people about what we are and what we do.
And once people come through our doors, we ALL have the responsibility of giving those people compelling reasons to become members. That requires outreach, follow-up and ultimately TIME spent getting people to come back over and over and then incentivizing them to become members.
So in addition to introducing some of our exciting new upcoming Events, I ask every current and past member to consider making this the time to re-engage in our new improved community and mission. This is a critical opportunity to either build our community up or allow it to collapse like so many similar organizations have done in recent years. WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Please let us know if you can attend any of the events, and if you can help in any way during those events. You can also help spread the word by RSVPing on our Facebook and MeetUp event listings.
Westchester Community for Ethical Culture Membership Committee