Russia’s invasion of Ukraine under the autocratic rule of President Vladimir Putin is a violation of international law, a threat to world peace and stability, and is endangering innocent lives. This act of aggression violates the values of the United Nations and ethical standards of decency.
As a result, the American Ethical Union (AEU) stands with Ukraine, a democracy, against this aggression by an authoritarian Russia. The AEU calls on all parties to work toward de-escalation and diplomatic solutions to the present violence. We condemn Russia’s invasion and encourage Ethical Culturists to contact their representatives in the US House and Senate to call for diplomacy.
We support sanctions, which hopefully will bring Russia back to the negotiating table. We urge members of Ethical Societies to support refugee organizations that will be severely tested during this time of conflict.
The AEU also calls for the protection of Ukrainian journalists and international reporters covering the conflict and implores all media outlets to seek the truth and report on it ethically in ways that minimize harm and illuminate facts. We are concerned about the impact this conflict will have on humanists and other freethinkers given Putin’s stance on the separation of church and state.
In the long run, the best path forward is a commitment to creating a Culture of Peace. We strongly suggest actions offered in a 2021 Resolution passed by the Assembly of the AEU that promote “a culture of peace in our personal relationships, in our homes, in our local communities, in the work of our Ethical Societies, and in our nation, including how our work against economic injustice, systemic racism, and climate change promotes such a culture of peace.”
About the AEU
The American Ethical Union creates, nurtures, and inspires ethical humanist communities to foster a world that is democratic, compassionate, just, and sustainable. Learn more at