Posts by Louise

1120 of 82 items

AEU Assembly 2023 Restorative Justice Events and Trainings

by Louise

The 2023 American Ethical Union Assembly will be a multicultural and multigenerational experience focused on: Making our Ethical Culture communities healthier and stronger Learning how to hold space for one another Learning how to create the conditions for your society to build community and address challenging conversations through the circle process. The RJ Trainers David […]

Ethical Living Interview Series Part 1

by Louise

Introducing the first of the American Ethical Union Ethical Living Interview Series which features interviews of people who are engaged in Ethical Actions that benefit our communities, large and small.  This video, Humanism in the Prison System, features Chris Kaman in conversation with Solomon Gibson III, both of the Ethical Humanist Society of the Triangle. After […]

Bart’s Blog ~ 11-21-22

by Louise

A Fond Farewell Last October I announced plans to retire from my role as executive director for the American Ethical Union effective the end of July 2022. And, though my timeline did not quite hold up, the retirement plan itself is in effect. My final day as executive director will be November 30th and the […]

Reclaim Our Vote Thank You!

by Louise

Help us with the Reclaim Our Vote Postcards Many thanks to all who joined the WCEC “Reclaim Our Vote” effort. We have sent 1,200 postcards to targeted voters in Macon Georgia, encouraging their participation in the November 8 Election. The Center for Common Ground attests to the effectiveness of this campaign. Thanks for your support!

The AEU 107th Annual Assembly

by Louise

Last month was our annual Assembly. From a variety of fascinating workshops to our main event, the Assembly Platform, we have a lot of great content for you to enjoy. How can you enjoy something that already happened you might ask? We recorded it all just in case you’re having some FOMO. Check out the […]

Bart’s Blog 7/11/22

by Louise

Into the Heartland: How AEU Assemblies Can Knit Ethical Communities Together Before launching into the stories from my visits to Ethical Societies I’d like to call your attention to the upcoming annual Assembly of the American Ethical Union – our 107th. As with the past two years, this year we will be meeting virtually rather […]

Bart’s Blog 7/4/22

by Louise

Into the Heartland: How Stories of Ethical Communities Can Knit Us Together I doubt it’s just me. It seems every day I wake up feeling as if I am in a foreign land, a land that gets more foreign with each passing day. It was not so very long ago that I’d arise feeling cautiously […]

Changes are Coming to Westchester Ethical Culture

by Louise

Spring is the season of rebirth. We can’t imagine a better time to reintroduce the Westchester Community for Ethical Culture to you, our members, and to the larger Westchester community. The Membership Committee has been working very hard and we are excited to announce to everyone our plans for supercharging our Community with a new name, mission […]

Further Reflection – AEU & AHA Anti-Racist Discussions

by Louise

Session Details Tue. May 10, 7-9 p.m. ET & Mon. June 6, 7-9 p.m. ET Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America by Jennifer Harvey Anne Klaeysen, Ethical Culture Leader Emerita Dr. Jennifer Harvey is a writer, speaker, and professor of religion and ethics at Drake University whose work focuses on racial […]