Sermons from 2019

110 of 12 items

“I thought everybody knew”

Excerpt featuring Lynn and Judith Beville from the September 20, 2019 Ethical Café at the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester, 7 Saxon Wood Road, White Plains, NY.

How to Sell the Green New Deal

Address by James Young at the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester in White Plains, NY on Sunday, April 21, 2019. How can enemies be turned into allies to gain a renewable energy future?

A Formerly Incarcerated Mother’s Journey to Re-entry & Higher Education

This Platform Address given by Tina Tinen at the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester in White Plains, NY on Sunday, March 3, 2019. Tina Tinen was released from prison in 2012. She’s an advocate for women’s rights, especially those who are incarcerated. She’s a member of the Incarcerated Mother’s Committee of the Coalition for Women […]

Dealing with Anger, Frustration and Impatience

Address given by Bart Worden at the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester in White Plains, NY on Sunday, April 7, 2019. In times of strife and division, we are likely to find ourselves feeling angry and frustrated over the actions of people whose ideologies and values are different from our own. And when we encounter […]

Food for the Humanist Soul

Address given by James Croft, Outreach Director for the St. Louis Ethical Society at the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester in White Plains, NY on Sunday, March 24, 2019. For millennia, the idea that human beings have a supernatural “soul”—a spirit inside us which is more than simply matter—has played a central role in religious […]

The #MeToo Movement in Trump’s America

Presentation by Melissa Schulz at the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester on Sunday, March 17, 2019. What is happening with the #MeToo movement in today’s world? Are things getting better or worse for women on the job? How can we all do our part in eliminating sexual harassment? Are there different roles men and women […]

Humanizing Criminal Justice

Address given by Dr. Anne Klaeysen, Clergy Leader for the New York Society for Ethical Culture, at the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester in White Plains, NY on March 10, 2019. In the U.S. Congress, the NY State Legislature, and in other state legislative bodies across the country, criminal justice reform packages are being seriously […]

Our Stories Become Us: How our ethical lives are built from experience

Address given by Bart Worden, Clergy Leader for the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester in White Plains, NY on Sunday, February 10, 2019. The Ethical Culture motto, “Deed Before Creed” not only highlights our priority on action over belief, it also points to how our beliefs are developed and transformed by our experiences – particularly […]

The Challenge and Opportunity of Global Connectedness

Address given by Govind Nair at the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester in White Plains, NY on Sunday, February 3, 2019. How might futures model building inform humanist thought and action in a 21st-century global society? What specifically can we learn about the scope and limits of ethical action and human agency from scenario building […]

Nevertheless, She Filmed: What happens when women tell their own stories?

Presentation given at the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester in White Plains, New York on Sunday, Jan 27, 2019. Guest speakers Katrina Medoff and Tracy Sayre talk about female representation in media, how it’s skewed toward the male gaze, and how that impacts our culture. They also talk about what they’re doing to solve that […]