Jennifer Greene to present talk on carnism

Jennifer Greene to present talk on carnism.

What is carnism? Beyond Carnism says that it is the invisible belief system that shapes our perception of the meat and animal products we eat, so that we love some animals and eat others without knowing why. Carnism is sustained by complex, hidden social and psychological mechanisms, and it is most harmful when unrecognized.

Jennifer Greene of Beyond Carnism, a charitable organization dedicated to exposing and transforming carnism, will be coming to the Ethical Culture Society in White Plains on May 8th to talk about this important issue.

The slideshow to be shown during the talk includes powerful imagery. Parental/guardian discretion is advised for younger attendees.

Jennifer Greene is Beyond Carnism’s U.S. presenter.  A member of the Unitarian Universalist Food Justice Ministry team and an active volunteer with Citizens’ Climate Lobby, she resides in Bellport, NY with her physicist husband.  Jennifer holds a master’s degree in sociology from the University of Michigan, and is the author of two food-education curricula.

Greene’s talk will be held at the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester,
7 Saxon Wood Road, White Plains, NY on May 8th at 10:30 am.