Hello Members and Friends,

This year’s Winter Solstice Festival will be held on Sunday, December 10 at 5 p.m. at the Ethical Culture Society of Westchester. Please note: There will be no 11 a.m. platform service that morning. 

Our festival event is open to members, non-members, friends, and families in welcoming the winter solstice time of year. We have a fun evening program of entertainment, stories, and events. There will also be a delicious potluck dinner to enjoy and a separate appetizer table. 

We are also featuring “The Box Party” where everyone can collectively create gift bags for adults and teens in shelters (please note: all day this Sunday, you can still donate and drop off items inside our building like new hats, scarves gloves, toiletries, etc. You can also bring them with you when you arrive for our festival. 

We are also accepting non-perishable canned food items in a separate carton for people and families in need.

We are asking everyone if they can please bring a food item(s) for our main table and also, if possible, a finger-food item (not requiring heating) to add to our appetizer table. Appetizer items for example could be pretzels, chips, cheese and crackers, nuts, bite-sized vegetables, grapes, etc. (a couple of people who already responded said they could bring some salsa and vegetable chips and artichoke dip. The appetizer table can accept duplicates – not to worry). 

Please respond to the below (if you haven’t already)

The Winter Solstice Festival has a seated potluck meal for everyone and we appreciate any contributed food item for our event. 

Please note and see below for type(s) of foods some people have already indicated on bringing.

The categories are: 


  • Main Dishes  So far, we have baked ziti, ham, salmon, chicken soup 
  • Side Dishes  So far, we have cranberry and apple salad 
  • Salads  So far, we have tossed salad 
  • Bread and Rolls So far, we have garlic bread
  • Desserts  So far, we have one person said they’ll bring something 
  • Drinks / Beverages  So far, we have seltzer

VEGETARIAN / VEGAN: (Please indicate vegetarian or vegan)

  • Main Dishes  So far, we have (vegetarian/vegan(?) vegetable bulgogi with white rice, also please see above  
  • Side Dishes So far, we have (vegetarian) rice dish
  • Salads (if specifically for vegans) So far, we have nothing or see above  
  • Bread and Rolls (if specifically for vegans) Please see above
  • Desserts (if specifically for vegans)  So far, we have brownies, also something else TBA, or please see above
  • Drinks / Beverages  So far, we have – Please see above

Please note: For vegetarians / vegans – if you would like your food item to be exclusively for vegetarians or vegans – please tape a note to the dish saying so, otherwise, some vegetable dishes may become available to non-vegetarians. 

Also, in the past some members have asked if people can provide ingredient information along with the food due to food allergies.

Please respond to let us know what you would like to bring so we can try to fill any needed items. Please contact and return responses to include both: 

We hope you can come and join us. 

Thank you,

Lori Fedio