What is the greatest kindness you have ever received? How did it affect you and what did it mean to you? In this pre-recorded Platform, Leader James Croft will talk about the greatest kindness he has ever received, and examine what this can tell us about kindness as a virtue.

This will be a hybrid meeting. You can join in person or on Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting: 
Meeting ID: 473 702 460
Passcode: Contact leader@wsfec.org

Dr. James Croft is the Leader of the Ethical Society of St. Louis – one of the largest Humanist congregations in the world. A graduate of Cambridge and Harvard Universities, James is an in-demand public speaker, an engaging teacher, and a passionate activist for human rights. James was raised on William Shakespeare, Carl Sagan and Star Trek, and lives in St. Louis with his fabulous drag queen husband Kolten.