This Sunday we will have the opportunity to work with ethical dilemmas from Arthur Dobrin’s collection, “One Way or the Other.” Arthur will be on hand to facilitate the process and participants will have opportunities to consider how they would respond to situations that will be presented.
This will be a hybrid meeting. You can join in person or on Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 473 702 460
Passcode: Contact
Here are a few excerpts from the Introduction to “One Way or the Other”:
Sometimes the price paid in taking a stance is too great. But to say this raises some fundamental moral questions, such as: what ethical principles do you hold most dear, what good can come from your action, and will you be proud of what you have done? When is self-protection justified, when is self-sacrifice morally required?
In this book, I’ve collected the stories of 127 people who, in their own words, made decisions about how to live their lives. I collected the anecdotes by asking, “Can you tell me about a time when you made a decision that had an ethical dimension?
The storytellers are young and old; they come from the Americas, Africa, Europe and Asia. A number of respondents are certain they’ve made the right decision, while others are less sure and may even have regrets. Several respondents paid a heavy price for their moral rectitude.
From these real-lived experiences can come a greater understanding of what we care about, our motivations, the judgments we make about right and wrong, good and bad, and the actions we take as we live amongst others in our quest for a good life.
Arthur Dobrin, D.S.W., Professor Emeritus at Hofstra University, is also Leader Emeritus, Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island. He teaches courses in business ethics, media ethics, African Studies and Jewish Studies at Hofstra University,
Arthur is the author, co-author, and editor of twenty-five books, including Spelling God with Two O’s, Ethics for Everyone: How to Improve Your Moral Intelligence, and Business Ethics: The Right Way to Riches. His most recent books are The Lost Art of Happiness and The Harder Right: Stories of Conscience and Choice.
This Red Land is his latest book. It is a novel set in Kenya and the US.