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with Dale McGowan, National Director of Ethical Education

New York Society for Ethical Culture (Social Hall)
2 West 64th Street, New York, NY 10023
Sunday, March 23 @ 2-4pm

212-874-5210 for questions


There’s a great deal we know about ethical development, and there’s even more that we think we know that ain’t so. This workshop will look at the state of our knowledge and suggest ways that parents and educators in general, and Ethical Culture in particular, can encourage powerful ethical development in our children and ourselves.

Dale is a nationally recognized author and presenter, as well as founding Executive Director of Foundation Beyond Belief, an organization that facilitates charitable giving and volunteering in the humanist and atheist community. His books are valuable resources for many families raising their children in non-traditional settings, and he has offered workshops on “Parenting Beyond Belief” at our Ethical Societies.
Come hear Dale’s vision for the American Ethical Union’s Ethical Education Committee and participate with members from Societies in the NY Metro region in a discussion about serving children and families in our community.