Please join us at our next HUMANITAS: The Africana Ethical Society meeting on Saturday August 14, 2021 when Zay Green educator and author of Christianity and Black Oppression: Duppy Know who Fe Frighten will present: Critical Race Theory and the Politics of Representation. Let us heed Steve Biko’s injunction: “The greatest weapon in the hand of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.”  All are welcome.  

In our usual follow-up discussion, we welcome the exchange of ideas.  Your presence, thoughts, and perspectives are of the utmost importance.  

Recommended Reading: Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic, Critical Race Theory: An Introduction.

HUMANITAS: The Africana Ethical Society is a naturalistic organization committed to deconstructing metaphysical and pseudo-scientific misconceptions regarding the human experience and affirming that humanistic ethical values can be found in Africana traditions and the struggles of Africana peoples.

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