The Ethical Culture Society of Westchester and the White Plains-Greenburgh NAACP present:
Redeeming Uncle Tom: The Josiah Henson Story – a ground-breaking documentary that aims to restore a hero of the abolitionist movement to his rightful place in history. Including interviews with leading experts and Henson descendants, the film traces Josiah Henson’s harrowing journey from slavery in Maryland and Kentucky to freedom in Canada. Critically acclaimed actor Danny Glover narrates the voice of Josiah Henson in the documentary film.
Josiah Henson
The Prime Minister of Great Britain threw him a surprise banquet.
Earl Grey offered him a job.
The Archbishop of Canterbury wept after hearing his story.
President Rutherford B. Hayes entertained him at the White House.
Queen Victoria invited him to Windsor Castle.
He won a medal at the first World’s Fair in London.
He was the first African American to appear on a Canadian stamp.
He was a Methodist Episcopal elder with a 300-mile district under his care.
He rescued 118 slaves, including his brother.
He helped build a 500-person freeman settlement, called Dawn, which was known as one of the final stops on the Underground Railroad.
Inspired by his story, Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a novel that helped spark the Civil War and led to the Emancipation Proclamation.
But before all that, Josiah Henson was a slave for 42 years…