We are rolling out a new interactive format for this Sunday’s Platform meeting. We’re calling it an “Ethics Lab” and it is a way for participants to actively engage in examining questions and concerns that are important to them and consider how they can personally respond to those questions and concerns. The Ethics Lab is a long-range program initiative that we hope will frame our discussions about important topics and will be integrated into our traditional programming. By holding Ethics Labs on a Sunday following a guest speaker or presentation by ECSW’s Leader we hope to deepen our engagement with issues and find practical avenues for addressing our concerns.
We will use Breakout Rooms to enable people to choose the area they are most interested in working on, and everyone will have a virtual White Board available for writing down the content of their work.
The format will use a research-style model where participants:
- Identify a concern
- Describe the impact(s) of the concern that need to be addressed
- Consult resources to help understand the concern, the impact, and potential helpful responses
- Form a conclusion
- Identify next steps and describe what participants are prepared to do
We will make every effort to have time at the end to share the work from each Breakout Room so we can all benefit from each group’s work.
WE WOULD LIKE YOUR HELP WITH CHOOSING THE CONCERNS for this Sunday’s Ethics Lab: Ethical Responses to Political Concerns
We want to have 4 concerns to work with, and since there are so many on this topic at this time we want to hear from you so we can choose the top priority ones. During our planning session we identified a couple that you might consider:
- Election monitors who look to deter voters
- The US Postal Service has insufficient resources for volume of vote by mail ballots
- My district seems to have adequate resources but how would I support voters in a different district?
YOU CAN HELP BY COMPLETING THIS SURVEY: Political Concerns Survey by end of day on Friday 10/9 to give us time to set up the labs.
We’ll send a second message about Sunday (and some other opportunities.)
Questions or concerns? Feel free to contact Leader Bart Worden at leader@wsfec.org.