In Mike Franch’s talk, “Deck the Hall: Humanist Winter Celebrations” he reviews holiday traditions that Humanists may want to celebrate!
This talk was given on 12/21/2021 for two Humanist groups in Iowa and we will view a recording of it on Sunday, December 26, 2021 at 11:00 am Eastern Time via Zoom.
About Mike Franch: Dr. Michael S. Franch is an Ethical Culture Leader and an active member of the National Leaders Council of the American Ethical Union. He served as Leader of the Baltimore Ethical Society from 1975-1984 and is currently affiliate minister at the First Unitarian Church, Baltimore. A historian by training, Mike is a graduate of Drake University and has taught history at a number of colleges. Until his 2007 retirement, he worked in health policy at the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Mike is also a storyteller, English country dancer, concertina player, and urban bicyclist.
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