Zoom event sponsored by American Ethical Union’s Ethical Action Committee
Ethical Culture Leader, Joe Chuman, will speak on civic engagement from an Ethical Humanist perspective in relation to the Presidential Election. This session will include opportunities for dialogue and sharing concerns about our own efforts to be civically engaged.
Dr. Joseph Chuman has been the Leader of the Ethical Culture Society of Bergen County, NJ since 1974, and since 2008 has served as a part-time Leader of the New York Society for Ethical Culture. As an activist, Dr. Chuman has worked on behalf of human rights, civil liberties and in opposition to the death penalty, as well as many other progressive causes. Dr. Chuman teaches Human Rights at the graduate level at Columbia University, and has taught at the United Nations University for Peace in San Jose, Costa Rica. He has published numerous articles in The New York Times, The Humanist, Free Inquiry, Humanistic Judaism and other periodicals, and in 2013, he published “Speaking of Ethics”, a compilation of platform addresses given over 30 years.
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