The WCEC Felix Adler Reading Group has been convening and to discuss the “The Reconstruction of the Spiritual Ideal,” a compilation of lectures Adler delivered at Oxford in 1923. In this talk, Sebastian Benthall will introduce the reading group and why it was formed. He will then present a synopsis of the key points of Adler’s argument in the first chapter of this book, as well as highlights of the thought-provoking discussion we have had about them. This talk is intended to be an accessible introduction or review of Adler’s philosophy, accompanied by critical reflection as to its relevance to our community today, sourced from members who have seriously engaged the material.

In Chapter 1, Adler presents what he sees as the moral crisis at the time of his writing, which is the period after World War 1 and before World War 2. Believing that moral ideals have fallen into discredit, he aims to establish a new moral order that is appropriate to the needs of his historical moment. He does this by first reviewing the great moral ideals of major world religions, as sources of inspiration. He then discusses three spiritual pains that he would have the new moral order address: insignificance in the face of naturalistic science; the many fellow humans who perish in an imperfect world; and the divided conscience that comes from being in different kinds of social groups.

Join in person or on Zoom.