A Community Circle is an opportunity for a small group of people to thoughtfully consider important ethical/spiritual issues and to practice interacting with one another in ways that bring out the best in each other. It is also an opportunity for participants to practice two important skills for engaging with others: group facilitation and group participation.
You can use the following link to join by computer –https://zoom.us/j/473702460.
You will now be asked to enter the PASSWORD: 458814
Zoom also allows joining by telephone with or without a computer. To join that way, dial (646) 558-8656 then enter the meeting code: 473 702 460followed by the # key.
You will then be asked to enter the PASSWORD: 458814
Phone users can mute and unmute their phone by pressing *6 to mute and *6 unmute.
We will be asking participants to “raise their hand” electronically to be recognized before speaking. To do that by phone press *9 to raise your hand and *9 to lower your hand.
Looking forward to seeing and hearing you on Sundays!
Email Leader Bart Worden with any questions.