Our monthly calendar offers members and friends the opportunity to explore ways we can live ethically through group discussion, personal reflection, and community action.

Sunday programs

•  Colloquy – Colloquy members set aside time for self-reflection and deep listening.  Themes are selected by a rotating group leader.  Participants use readings and the sharing of personal experiences to reflect.  Topics can range from trust, generosity, and faith to everyday themes such as money and nostalgia. Every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM in the meeting house.

Our other Sunday programming typically takes place at 11:00 AM in our meeting house:

•  Pancake Breakfast – Once a month our Community offers a hot breakfast that we make in our own kitchen as a way for people to meet and greet informally.  A “conversation table” is available for discussion of a topical  ethics issue that may concern people.  Occasionally, we have a “projects table” for activities such as letter or postcard writing campaigns.

•  Living Ethics Roundtable – Is war inevitable?  Can good people disagree about abortion?  These are some of the topics that we open up for debate in our monthly Roundtable.  Some topics are controversial, some puzzling and even insoluble.  But all require careful consideration in the context of what it means to live ethically.

•  Talks by guest speakers – Throughout the year high-profile speakers accomplished in academia, business, medicine, law, public service, and the not-for-profit world—including the Ethical Culture movement—address our Community.  These talks typically ask the question, “How are we to live?”  The answers are always provocative and enlightening.  Participants have the opportunity to ask questions and offer comments based on personal experience.

After our regular Sunday program, you can rehearse with our:

• Chorus – Members with an interest in communal singing provide entertainment throughout the year at our special events.  No auditions required, just a love of music.

Monthly programs

•  Game Night – Gamers of all ages enjoy our monthly get-together for fun and friendly challenges.  One Friday evening of every month.

•  Ethical Action Volunteer Days – During the year our Community joins with area organizations involved with environmental clean-ups, refugee settlement programs, and other efforts that strive to improve the lives of people in the Westchester area.

•  Book Group – Each month participants meet at our Meetinghouse to discuss a book that they have selected and read.  Selections are wide-ranging and include fiction as well as non-fiction books. 

Felix Adler Study Group – Members meet periodically to discuss the works of Felix Adler (1851-1933), American philosopher and founder of the Ethical Culture movement. One Saturday of the month, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM.

Other Activities

•  Solstice celebration & Box Party – Each December our Community holds a Box Party—our traditional holiday collection of donated hats, scarves, gloves, socks, and toiletries that are bagged (although at one time boxed) and delivered to Lifting Up Westchester, local shelters, and correction facilities.  The Box Party is held in conjunction with our celebration of the Winter Solstice in the darkened main room of our Meetinghouse where we symbolically dispel the darkness.  Afterwards we enjoy a festive potluck dinner.

•  EthiCon – A gaming convention and charity event that raises money for local families and individuals who are food insecure or dealing with housing issues.

• Feeding Westchester Food Bank – Each December our Community collects canned and packaged food items for this local charity that serves 220,000 people each month.  Some of our members are Feeding Westchester volunteers.